9th Activity Intercultural Communication~

  Hello guys, welcome back to my blog.

    This time I will tell you about intercultural communication learning on April 27, 2021. So, at the 11th meeting in this course, we will continue the 8 elements of culture and business practices in the countries we have chosen. I will explain a little bit about the 4 countries that have been presented.

    Okay, The first presenter was Muh. Fadil, he presented material about Italy. Italy is a parliamentary republic. A parliamentary republic is a type of republic that operate under a parliamentary system of government. The economy in Italy is driven by a large party that makes high quality consumer goods produced by small and medium enterprises.The majority of these Italians are Christian, Italian (Italiano) is the official language in Italy.

~ Business Practice in Italy

  1. Italians are very lax about time-keeping
  2. Being invited to a business lunch or dinner often indicates that the business relation has reached a higher grade of familiarity

    The second presenter was Muh. Azwan, he presented material about Uganda. Even though I've heard the name of this country before. Actually I am still unfamiliar with this country. So, Republic of Uganda is a country in East Africa and the language spoken in Uganda is Swahili.

    The third presenter was Marwah, she presented material about Japan. Marwah explained that there are 3 social groups in Japan, namely aristocracy (government lines), four classes of society, and untouchable (ethnic groups that are not considered). Then there are three systems of government in Japan, namely the executive, legislative and judiciary. Japan is known for its sophistication. 

    When the presenter finished presenting the material, I asked Marwah (presenter)"Why is Burakumin considered unclean and polluted? And explain the reason?". Marwah explained that Burakumin (native Japanese) were discriminated because they were believed to be from outcast descendants. The reason why Burakumin was discriminated against was because during the Tokugawa government, they slaughtered animals. According to Buddhist belief, slaughtering an animal is impure.

    The last presenter in this meeting was Rezky Febrianti, she presented material about India. There are 5 caste systems that are enforced in India, namely Brahmanas, Ksatria, Vaishya, Sudra and Dalits (which are not included in the four main caste systems). The system of government applied in India is a parliamentary system. And it is divided into 3, namely the executive, legislative and judiciary. 80% of the majority of India's population is Hindu. The famous building in India is the Taj Mahal, India is also known for its films. One of them is Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. The languages spoken in India are English and Hindi.

That's all I can tell you guys at this time, Thank you and see you later. ~


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