13th Activity Intercultural Communication~

Hello guys, welcome back to my blog.

    This time I will tell you about intercultural communication learning on May 25, 2021. So, at the 15th meeting in this course, We will continue the 8 elements of culture and business practices in the countries we have chosen. This meeting is the last meeting before the final.test. I will explain a little bit about the 2 countries that have been presented. 

    So, The first presenter was Ardila Pratiwi. She presented material about Myanmar. The presenter explained that the population in Myanmar is quite diverse, and comes from various ethnicities. These ethnic groups include; Burma (Bamar), Karen, Kayah, Arakan (Rakhine), Mon, Kachin, and Rohingya. The government system of Myanmar adopts a Presidential government system. Kyat is the official currency of Myanmar. The majority of Myanmar people are Buddhist.

    And the last presenter was Syamsul Maarif.  He presented material about South Africa. The presenter explained that the Republic of South Africa is a country in southern Africa.  South Africa neighbors Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe to the north, Mozambique and Swaziland to the northeast.  The entire country of Lesotho is located in the interior of South Africa. The majority religion in South Africa is Christianity.

That's all I can tell you guys at this time, Thank you and see you later. ~
