7th Activity Intercultural Communication~

  Hello guys, welcome back to my blog.

    This time I will tell you about intercultural communication learning on April 13, 2021. So, at the nineth meeting in this course, we will continue the 8 elements of culture and business practices in the countries we have chosen. I will explain a little bit about the 4 countries that have been presented.

    The first presenter was Aldyssa Nurul Kamila, she presented material about the United Kingdom. TheUnited Kingdom contains four countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
  • Capitals for Each Country:

~ England, are London.

~ Scotland, are Edinburgh.

~ Wales, are Cardiff.

~ Northern Ireland are Belfast.

  • Social Stratification in the U.K

  1.  Elite
  2. Established Mid-Class
  3. Technical Mid-Class
  4. New Affluent Workers
  5. Traditional working-class
  6. Emergent service workers
  7. Precariat

  • Government System & Structural

  1. Executive
  2. Legislative
  3. Judicative

    The second presenter was A. Dhea Alifa, she presented material about France. Catholicism is the majority Religion in France.

  • French society (Before Revolution):

~ Group 1 (Noblesse)

~ Group 2 (Religion leader and landlords)

~ Group 3 (Ordinary people)

  • Government System In France
~ Semi-Presidential system
~ Presidential elections are held once, every five years.

    The third presenter was Dwina Audhyllah, she presented material about Thailand.

  • In Thailand there are 3 social groups / communities. 
Category High, Middle and Lower.
  • Religion in Thailand:

95% Theravada Buddhist, Muslim minority (4.6%), Christian (0.7%).

  • The language spoken in Thailand is Phasa thai, which means "Thai people's language".

    The fourth and the last presenter for this meeting was Athiya Kamila, she presented material about Switzerland. Switzerland is renowned for its highly disciplined and rule-abiding society. They are also very punctual. Switzerland is a Federal state. The rise of Switzerland Federal is began on September 12, 1848. Federal state means that state powers are divided between the Confederation, the Cantons and the communes.

    Switzerland is a predominantly Christian country. Catholics are the largest denomination, followed by Protestants. Switzerland's religious landscape has changed considerably in the last few decades.

    Switzerland has four official languge, traditionally spoken in different regions of the country. German in northern, central and eastern Switzerland, French in western Switzerland, Italian in southern Switzerland and Rumantsch in southeastern Switzerland.

 That's all I can tell you guys at this time, Thank you and see you later. ~


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13th Activity Intercultural Communication~