3rd Activity Intercultural Communcation ~

 Hello guys, welcome back to my blog.

This time I will tell you about intercultural communication learning on March 16, 2021. So at the fifth meeting in this course, we continued to present the various tribes in South Sulawesi. The first group is the Coastal Konjo Tribe. This group explained that the Pesisir Konjo Tribe mostly inhabit Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi Province. This tribe uses the Konjo Pesisir language with several dialects, namely Tana Toa, Konjo Hitam and Kajang. This ethnic community is 100% Muslim. This tribe is closed or does not want to associate with unfamiliar tribes. This tribe has the charm of the natural beauty of white sand, clear water, and Tanjung Bira Beach. The majority of the inhabitants of this tribe are fishermen. The inhabitants of this tribe have several characteristics, namely helping each other, materialism, like to gather, chat, tend to dodge answering questions, and maintain self-esteem and maintain social status.

The second group is the Luwu Tribe. The luwu kingdom was the largest kingdom consisting of 12 tribal children in Sulawesi. There are 6 government structures of this tribe, namely Datu / statue, Kadi, Pakkatenni Ade, Bandera Tellu, Anak Tellue, and Bete-Bete Tellu. There is a customary leadership system in luwu that applies the thought of Maccae ri Luwu, meaning that the king known as pajung always asks a clever person named Maccae ri Luwu. One of the characteristics that must be preserved to create the unity of the Luwu Tribe is their honesty with each other (Sialempurenngi). The tradition of the Luwu Tribe called Mappacokkong Ri Baruga is a procession to enter Baruga by Datu Luwu. This ritual begins with taking Pisimeuni holy water from the Cerekang River. The traditional house of the luwu tribe named Langkane. Most of this tribe is 85% Muslim, the rest are Protestant Christians, Catholics and Hinduism.

The third group is the Mandar tribe. The Mandar tribe is an ethnic group that occupies the territory of West Sulawesi, as well as parts of South Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi. The word Mandar has 3 meanings, the first is Mandar which comes from the Sipamandar concept which means strong mutual strengthening, the second, the word Mandar in the narrative of the Balanipa people means river, and the third, Mandar comes from the Arabic Nadara-Yanduru-Nadra language which in later development occurred. change of articulation to Mandar which means a sparsely populated place. The Mandar tribe uses the Mandar language. The Mandar language comes from the Malay, Polynesian language family or the archipelago language. In general, the Mandar tribe is a loyal adherent of Islam but in everyday life it cannot be separated from beliefs such as Pamali, prohibitions and magical acts such as the use of amulets or sacred objects and offerings. The people of this tribe work as fishermen.

The fourth group is the Kajang Ammatoa Tribe. The Kajang tribe is one of the traditional tribes, which is located in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi. This tribe is famous for its very thick customs and they distance themselves from everything related to matters of modernization. The people of this tribe often wear black clothes. The black color has meaning for the Ammatoa Society as a form of equality in all things, equality in simplicity. The traditional house of the kajang tribe is called Kale Bolayya. The traditional house of this tribe is given black paint. For the kajang tribe, black is so special. The position of the house facing west is believed to be the direction of their ancestors' existence. This tribe abstained from wearing clothes other than black and white. The color according to the pairs they believe implies simplicity. The Ammatoa people practice a customary religion called Patuntung, which means searching for the source of truth.

The fifth tribe is the Bentong Tribe. This tribe is in the Barru Regency, South Sulawesi. Bentong people are also known as "To Bentong". This area is a hilly area above sea level. The people of the Bentong tribe adhere to the group's endogamous customs. Endogamy means the principle of marriage, which requires people to find a mate in their own social environment, for example in their relatives. The bentong tribe uses a combination of several regional languages ​​in South Sulawesi, namely Makassar, Konjo, Bugis and Mandar. The word Bentong in Indonesian has a meaning, namely "Cadel" or what people usually call Cedal. This means that it is imperfect to pronounce words so that the sound that should be pronounced (R) becomes (L). For example, the word "Raja" is pronounced as "Laja". The majority of the livelihood of this tribe is a farmer and fisherman. In addition, they are also concocting. The majority of the people of the Bentong tribe are Muslim. For this belief in the bentong tribe, there is something called "Arajang". "Arajang" is a ceremony of worshiping ancestral spirits and objects sacred by the Bentong tribe in Sulawesi to avoid curses. The people of the Bentong tribe believe that this worship ceremony will bring salvation and should be done to avoid curses.

That's all I can tell you guys at this time, Thank you and see you later.~


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13th Activity Intercultural Communication~