2nd Activity Intercultural Communication ~ The Bugis Tribe, The Bajo Tribe, The To Balo Tribe & The Toraja Tribe

Hello guys, welcome back to my blog.

This time I will tell you about intercultural communication learning on March 9, 2021. So at the fourth meeting, this course, we continue to present the various tribes in Sulawesi. The first group is the Bugis tribe.This group discusses starting from the origin of the name of the Bugis tribe, areas that use the Bugis ethnicity, the Bugis language (ugi), writing (Lontara script), the kinship system (Assiajingeng) which is classified as parental, there is also a "Siri" culture in Bugis, wrong one of them is Sipakatuo which means helping & understanding each other. This group also discussed marriage customs, art, for example the Kecapi instrument, and traditional clothing. There is a unique tradition in the Bugis tribe, which is called Sigajang Leleng Lipa, if 2 men can't solve the problem, then they will fight in a sarong. One of the Bugis food is Barongko.


The second group is the Bajo Tribe (Southeast Sulawesi). This tribe is an underdeveloped and minority ethnic group in Indonesia in terms of education, economy and social. The people of the Bajo tribe live in the sea, this tribe uses wooden boats as a means of transportation, they live in simple houses on the shore or the sea, so that their main livelihood is fishing and will be sold to residents around the coast or the nearest island. This group also discussed the local language of the Bajo tribe, one example of which is the head, in the Bajo language it is called Tikolok. One of the arts that exist in this tribe is the Manca dance which is performed at an official wedding party (massuro). The Bajo people still use traditional medicine.


The third group discussed the To Balo Tribe. This tribe is located in the mountains that cross the Barru and Pangkep Regencies. The language used by this tribe is bentong language (a combination of Makassar, Bugis and Konjo languages). The people of this tribe have unique skin, every baby who is born will have skin that is striped in the form of white spots on all parts of the body. They believe this skin is a curse of the gods. The livelihoods of this tribe are farmers, they grow sweet potatoes, corn, beans, and so on. The religion followed by this tribe is Islam. It is said that this tribe is not able to be burned by fire, as evidenced by the existence of the Sere Api Dance (dancing on burning coals). There is also the To Balo Tribe Cultural Ritual dance, which expresses gratitude for the birth of the son / daughter of the To Balo tribe leader, but there are also those who think that this dance is a dance that describes the expression of gratitude for the abundant harvest.


The last group, the Toraja tribe. The center of this tribal settlement is located in Tana Toraja. There were three levels of social class in this tribe, namely aristocrats, commoners and slaves. The majority of Toraja people adhere to Christianity, and some adhere to Islam and animist beliefs (Aluk To Dolo). The group also discussed the birth ceremony (Aluk Ma'lolo) of the umbilical cord of a newborn baby in the grave under the household stairs located to the east, the traditional death ceremony (Rambu Solo), a party made by the family of the deceased as a sign of final respect for the deceased. which was gone and done at midday. Toraja language is the language that the Toraja people use. This fourth group also mentioned several kinds of Toraja traditional houses, one of which was the Tongkonan House.


Thank you and see you later.~


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